Saturday, July 30, 2011

National Museum of American Indian

     "That initial explosion of death is one the greatest tragedies in human history because it was unintended and unavoidable, and even inevitable. But what happened in its wake was not." These words written next to a map of the America that changes through the years, filling with blood counting the Native American deaths that occurred as the settlers came to America.
     Everyone knows the story how the new settlers came to the Americas bringing with them new ideas, new technology, and new diseases. These diseases brought from Europe by the Europeans who had become immune to them over the years, killed so many native Americans. Small bacterias that these "new people" didn't even realize existed killed millions of the lands native people. "Despaired so much that the lost confidence in their gods and the priests destroyed the sacred objects of the tribe." The Native Americans found new gods these people who came on the boats who do not die from disease. These new "gods" ended up killing off more Native Americans through war, trial, and starvation.
     Most people believe that the Holocaust was the worst genocide in the history of our world. Six million people died in the Holocaust, it is thought that around 100 million Native Americas died as a direct result of the Europeans coming to the Americas. When considering our nation history nobody thinks about this, they think about; our fight against the British to gain our freedom, they think of the Land of the Free. But in reality our land was taken with blood, sweat, and death.

1 comment:

  1. Sam,
    Some good thoughts. It is little known, but the arrival of Europeans was the biggest cause of human deaths ever. If one counts the deaths caused by the slave trade, I have heard figures of as many as 1 in 5 people died during this period - 18th century.
